January Birthdays
2 – Christopher Collins
3 – Garnett G. Gray
6 – Harold Mathes
7 – Josie Burnett
11 – Thomas Trass
12 – Ruby L. Johnson
15 – Shirley Sallie
17 – Jordan Lewis
26 – Natolyn W. Herron
*Memphis Baptist Congress of Christian Education 3pm
Time: 3rd Sunday, 3:00pm. Zoom Presentations
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Meeting ID: 869 1639 4878
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The Covid-19 Virus is still here and the vaccine/booster shots are available.
Please be mindful to wash your hands as you move about, distance yourselves as you take care of business and mask up while you conversate with others.
*Mask are not required but recommended*
*All questions of concern seek your health care provider*
FEMA Sponsored COVID-19 Funeral Expense
COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Helpline
844-684-6333 | TTY: 800-462-7585
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern Time
Press button to go to FEMA Website
The Memphis Baptist and Education will meet Monday at 11:00 am. Telephone Number (605)4688753.AccessCode: 8668493#.Thank you. Sandra Jones.